
Potassium Hydroxide

Гидроксид калия (KOH)

Potassium Hydroxide

HS code / Customs
Parameter Value
Potassium hydroxide content (КОН) , % , min 90.0
Potassium carbonate сontent (K2CO3), %, max 0.5
Chlorides content, % (ррm), max 0.0050 (50,0)
Fe, % (ррm),  max 0.0003 (3)
Sulphates content (SO4), %  (ррm), max 0.0030 (30)
Na in terms of NaOH, %, max 1.0
Nitrates and nitrites content in terms of nitrogen (N), %, max 0,0005
Ni, % (ррm), max 0.0005 (5)

Packing: 25 kg bags

Origin: Russia

Application: Potassium hydroxide is widely used in the production of potassium carbonate, potassium phosphates, liquid fertilizers, and potassium soaps and detergents

Potassium Hydroxide